{{indexmenu_n>1}} ===== Terrain Utility ===== ----- This is a component that solves two main problems: * Bake terrain LOD textures * Fix unwanted terrain clipping When you use Unity terrain in your project, you can bake the terrain layers into a LOD texture, which can then be used in Weatherade shaders to eliminate tiling artifacts over long distances. This component also can fix the terrain patches clipping issue, when using the [[weatherade_manual:snow_coverage_instance:global_surface_settings?#displacement|Displacement]] feature. To use this component, simply add it to the terrain game object. ---- ==== Baking ==== ---- You can bake the textures and assing them to the terrain material from this section. \\ It bakes the textures in the following way: * Albedo - ⠀R⠀ ⠀G⠀ ⠀B⠀ - Smoothness - ⠀A⠀ * Normal - ⠀R⠀ ⠀G⠀ ⠀B⠀ Baked textures are saved in the same folder as the current terrain material, with the prefixes _AlbedoLOD and NormalLOD added to them. === Tiling Multiplier === A uniform tiling multiplier for the terrain textures, while baking process. Use values lower than 1 to scale up all textures of the terrain layers, so less tiling will be noticable over long distances. === Texture Resolution === Resolution of the LOD textures. === LOD Albedo === Not editable field, just to easily find the baked texture. The Re-assign button to the right allows to force assign the texture to the terrain material if its reference was lost for some reason. === LOD Normal === Works the same as [[weatherade_manual:additional_components:terrain_utility?#lod_albedo|LOD Albedo]]. === Bake === Press this button to bake the textures for this terrain. ---- ==== Clipping Fix ==== ---- === Bounds Multiplier === Terrain patch bounds multiplier. Increase this value if you are using the [[weatherade_manual:snow_coverage_instance:global_surface_settings?#displacement|Displacement]] feature in terrain material to prevent unwanted culling of terrain patches.