Table of Contents

Volumetric Light

This component provides a volumetric lighting effect when added to Point or Spot lights.

This component is also necessary to make the light source visible to the GPU particle system's Sparkle feature.

Update Every Frame

Defines wether the volumetric properties will be updated only once on enable or every frame.

If your light source is stationary and does not change its properties, such as intensity and range, during runtime, you can leave this option unchecked.


Range Multiplier

Multiplies the range property of a light source. This can be used to increase or decrease the volumetric size. If set to 1, the volumetric will be the same size as the range of the light source.

Start Radius

Applicable only to Spot lights.
Start radius of a spot cone.



Multiplies the intensity value of the light source. Use this to change the volumetric intensity if you don't want to change the intensity of the light source itself. If set to 1, volume mode will use the same intensity as the light source.

Mask Hardness

Defines how hard the volumetic mask will be.


Distance Fade

Fades out the volumetric by the camera distance. Values greater than 0 will fade out the volumetric when camera is close to it, values lower than 0 will fade it out when the camera is far away from it.

Intersection Fade

Fades out volumetric at intersections with scene objects.

Z Offset

Applicable only to Point lights.

An offset from the original volumetric position to the camera. Increase this value to prevent the volumetric clip with scene objects.



Texture that will be used to add noise to the volumetric effect.


Intensity of the noise effect.


Uniform tiling of the noise texture.


Speed of the noise texture scrolling.