Table of Contents

Main Settings

The Main Settings foldout has the same properties in both Snow and Rain Coverage instances.

Horizontal Size

As stated before in the Quick Start, another important purpose of the Coverage Instance is that is's used to get the scene depth for the coverage occlusion feature. Internally it has a camera, which renders the scene from above the Follow Target (usually player camera) into the depth texture in a bounded square around the Follow Target and send it to all the shaders.

Hence, Horizontal Size is the area size around the Follow Target in the horizontal coordinate plane (XZ), where the coverage occlusion will work.


Occluded coverage area depth. In other words it's the max distance between the Coverage Instance object pivot and a surface that can be affected by the coverage instance, i.e. can be occluded.

Affected Layers

Objects placed on these layers will be “visible” for the Coverage Instance, i.e. can be occluded by other objects from these layers.

Depth Texture Format

The texture format of the depth texture can be selected from the dropdown:

Depth Texture Resolution

The resolution used for the depth texture. This value hits performance.

Higher resolution does not mean better. In most cases, 1024 or even 512 is sufficient and provides soft, natural transitions between the coverage and the base. As a bonus, a smaller Blur Kernel Size is required, which improves performance.

Blur Kernel Size

The amount of blur applied to the coverage occlusion mask. The larger the value, the more blur will be applied to the coverage mask. It also affects performance accordingly.

It's better to lower the Depth Texture Resolution instead of increasing the Blur Kernel Size if you want to achieve softer transitions, since each of these properties affects performance.

Area Folloff Hardness

Defines how hard the coverage area border will be. Values lower than 1 will add a gradient from the area center to its borders. The recommended value is around 0.7.

Follow Target

Forces the coverage instance to follow any object in the scene. The checkbox enables the use of the “Follow Target” function. The Transform field on the right allows you to explicitly specify the object to follow.

If enabled, next properties will also appear:

Example: Distance Threshold = 0 - update every “Check Interval”, Distance Threshold = 0.5 - update, when the “Follow Target” is halfway from the Coverage Instance volume's center.

If the Follow Target feature is enabled, but the transform is not specified, then the first found camera with the 'MainCamera' tag will be used. The coverage area will remain in place if the checkbox is disabled, or the object is not specified and the camera with the 'MainCamera' tag is not found. In editor it always follows the scene view camera if the feature is enabled.


Clicking the Update button reinitializes the Coverage Instance. Use it if you want to see changes after you edit any of the following properties:

In play mode it updates automatically.